BAJA XL 2023

What is all this?

You are currently at the website for Baja XL rally team Baja Late Than Never

Okay, so what’s the BAJA XL?

Previously the Baja 4000, this adventure rally covers the Baja peninsula using as few paved roads as possible, in just over a week

In What?

Assuming it survives until the start of the rally, an $650 1995 Toyota Camry. Obviously not the best tool for the job, but what would this rally be if not a challenge?

And just who is mad enough rally a camry in baja?

Stay tuned for team member introductions. This may or may not be in flux until nearly the start of the rally.

At the very least, myself, Andrew. No stranger to an adventure rally, previously part of a team that bumbled a Skoda Fabia from Manchester to Ulanbaator, now seeking more dumb things to do


For the adventure, the challenge, to test my own skills and endurance, and to do a little good and raise some cash for charity